Sacred Space Workshop 2 – Health & Healing –
Higher Consciousness Healing Course,
given over 6 (4-hour) sessions
Taking place onsite as group-based learning, but can be taught as Individual Coaching sessions (preferably taking place onsite, although most elements can be taught online as well)
You might have an interest to participate in Sacred Space Workshop 2 -Health & Healing-, possibly as a follow-up from Workshop 1 -Self Discovery-. If so, we would be super excited to embark on this new adventure with you!
As a rough outline of what topics Arayah covers with this Course:
- Recap on the Energetic Body & the Luminous Field, working with Source Light as a Soul Fractal
- Recap on the Inner Healing tools of (Self) Observation and (Self) Correction; Reprogramming Core Beliefs, Positive Affirmation, Visualization, Using the Power of Now, Mirror work, etc.
- Working with your Central Column of Light; your “Golden Channel” and Merkabah field
- Morphogenetic Fields and Mass Consciousness in terms of Timelines, Individual Storylines within Dimensional Planes and the current 5D integration/unification thereof
- Connecting to Mother Earth’s Crystalline Grid, Dimensional Fields, her Core/Womb space and working with Portals & Inner Earth Beings
- Getting to know and working with other Dimensional Higher Light beings (Angels, Ascended Masters, Saints, Gods & Goddesses, Fairies, power animals etc.) in order to recognize and channel relevant energies
- Activation sequences of the Healing Senses & the Twelve Chakra’s of your Lightbody (this happens during the guided meditations and healing practicals)
- Healing Protocols as a general guide when working with clients
- Sound Healing and Light Language
- The use of Colour & Essential oils in Healing
- Healthy Living practices
- Your body as the Channel and the “Barometer”/”Pendulum”
- “Reading” your client
- Working with the Divine Blueprint & the Akashic Records in order to get clarity on Karmic issues, contracts, oaths & curses, and dissolving/unifying these for all blood & light lineages involved
- The use of Crystals & Entrainment
- The Power of Intent, the Mind, Brainwaves
- Shamanic tools & Soul Retrieval
- Alchemy; the process of Transformation/Transmutation and working with Healing Templates, Frequency Modulation and Vibrational Medicine
General Guidelines
This course aims to bring out your inherent healing abilities and empowers you to be a strong healer (both within yourself and to confidently assist and aid others & the natural world around you in their healing processes).
The above topics will be spread over 6 sessions or more (depending on if the 24 hours are divided over day times or evenings) and will not necessarily be limited to these topics or covered in this order. Since we work with Spirit and energies, we will approach each session with an open mind and flexible attitude.
Each session we will start by attuning to Spirit in a guided meditation, then cover the theoretical part and proceed with a practical application. Followed by a closure of our circle. We will use our shared meal & snack times in between to ground us and connect personally, so please leave any chatting for those times!
The hands-on practical part is a very important part of this course since it helps you to anchor what you have learned into the physical. Even though you might feel hesitant initially when learning new techniques, I urge you to try and fully participate as the more you practise and put into this, the more you learn of course and the more confident you’ll become!
Some of this work might be done outdoors (if weather permits) so as to, as much as possible, be immersed in the natural environment.
Workshop 1 is not a prerequisite for partaking in Workshop 2, however it is recommended that you have a Basic Understanding of the nature of what we discussed/learned there. For a full description of workshop 1, please click here. You will know if this course is for you if it appeals/speaks to you.
The course is sacred, so your committed attendance is important, not just for yourself but also for the dynamics of the group. Especially since we will be practising on each other and work and bond as a group. We aim to all get a chance to both experience the healing effects and be the healing channel.
Also, anything personal that is shared with the group has to stay within the group and remain confidential.
Please bring every week;
- Pen & journal/notebook
- Blanket (depending on the weather you might want to bring sun protection)
- Warm cardigan/extra socks to keep warm, if needed
- Water bottle (I will provide tea and water as well)
- Your food for the day or evening (if needed)
- Small! snack to share afterwards (basically enough for one person)
- Anything else you would like to perhaps bring, share or place on the central altar
On top of the enriching information outlined above, you will receive the following;
- A 20% discount voucher on a Soul Healing Session with Arayah
- Various papers and hand-outs to illustrate and outline certain procedures and top up your knowledge
- ‘Etheric Ease’ Room/Auric clearing spray or a Herbal Smudge Stick
- A personal ‘healing’ crystal dedicated to you and this course
- A ‘Certificate of Participation’ upon completion
And of course;-)
- A deeper connection with your Soul
- The support of and connection with kindred souls in your group!
This whole 6-session course as group-based learning costs NZ$555 pp with an extra $55 if you are keen to include an additional Vibrational Medicine Making practical on top of our regular hours (fees cover the costs for the materials only).
We would ask for this amount up front please.
We are willing to work something out in terms of installment payments if people are really keen yet struggling to have this kind of money up front, but do ask for a firm commitment for the full course please, to honor the work and commitment Arayah will be putting in. And once started, the total amount payable will always be the full amount.
If you would like to participate in this course, you can purchase Workshop 2 -Health & Healing- as Group-based Learning here.
After purchase, Arayah will contact you to discuss the details such as the dates and times of your course.
Please note! It is possible that you will be placed on a waiting list until sufficient numbers are gathered for starting up a new group (minimal amount of 3 students per group preferred, so we can practise on each other)!
Alternatively, this course can also be taught as Individual Coaching sessions (preferably taking place onsite, but most elements of this course can also be taught online). To enquire about individual sessions and for any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.