As a Visionary Healer & Light Channel, I see Art as a way of conveying not only a feeling & message, but also as a means to offer an energetic imprint (vibrational pattern), that can enable us to come back into balance. Via the colors, patterns and imagery used, Art offers a resonant frequency, and as such a New Story; a Map for the Soul that can inspire, uplift & heal us, and change the course of our lives for the better.
I’m passionate about bringing Spiritual Art to people and spaces, using various mediums & techniques. To that extent I offer the following:
• Vibrational Art / Space Enhancers
• Spirit Portraits (Guides, MD aspects of Self, etc.)
• Seals (personal/lineage), Sigils & Light Shields
• Logo’s & Promo material for people’s Spiritual business projects
• Personal & Collective Templates and Coded Photo overlays
• Higher vibrational Tattoo & Body Art designs
• Vibrationally (Art) enhanced Products such as clothing, phone cases, wall art, etc. through Redbubble and others.

I am still in the process of getting more of my Art onto my website (as I’m so busy with the actual creative processes), but I’m always happy to show and tell you more if you contact me.
Aside from under the ‘Luminous Art & Templates’ Menu Tabs on this website, you can also find my Art on my Social Media pages (links on Homepage), or by going to my Redbubble shop; ‘ArayahsArt’ (links under the ‘Luminous Art & Templates’ Menu Tabs above)

Please use the menu tabs above to specify your search or go straight to all the product categories below.

©️ ALL RIGHTS OF THE VIBRATIONAL ART DISPLAYED ON THIS PAGE AND ELSEWHERE ON THIS WEBSITE RESERVED TO Arayah Ayana Surima, as the Creator lens of her Light Lineage. Share if you like, but please be respectful of the Divine intention of these pieces, so share only as a complete post and only by using the official link. Please do not copy, screenshot or alter the original art in any way. All Pieces on this website are for display purposes only. Originals (without Watermark and/or Seal will be provided as digital files and only after purchase has been completed.